Welcome to our third grade class blog! This blog is designed for both students and parents, to keep updated about about current topics we are studying such as spelling words, and helpful videos, as well as upcoming events such as field trips. This blog will be updated every week with new information, so check back often!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

We Recycle!!

On Monday we had a presenter come into class to talk about recycling and the importance it has on the environment. 

As a school we are promoting recycling by placing bins around the school labeled "GLASS," "PAPER," and "CANS" These bins will be in each hallways as well as in the school cafeteria. Students are highly encouraged to participate in this "Go Green" movement at Fairview School. 

Something that the students loved was that we learned how to make recycled paper out of old class assignments. We will be doing this activity in class next week, but below is the link to the page of instructions incase students wanted to look and see what we are going to do, or they could try it out on their own with parental help, as it involves using a blender. 

click on this link below:
Make Your Own Homemade Paper! (www.ecokids.ca)

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